Coming Soon Print
Tuesday, 25 August 2015 10:31

As usual, we have some interesting speakers this month, and they’ll be covering an eclectic range of subjects; I’m sure you’ll enjoy them all.

Last year the Tuesday group had a very successful ‘Collectibles Morning’ with members showing and presenting precious (but not necessarily valuable) objects. This year it’s the Thursday group’s turn on 15 October. Please let me know if you would like to bring along some treasure(s) and tell us all about them. You do NOT have to speak for an hour – 5 minutes will be fine if that’s all you can manage. Just discuss it with me to book your spot.

Next month’s ‘fifth Thursday’ outing is on 29 October when we will be going to the Allora Gardens Nursery for a talk and morning tea. It’s sure to be a popular outing so let Audrey have the booking form, which is on page 6, as quickly as possible. Finally, make a note in your diary that our annual Christmas lunch will be on  

3 December; the reservation form will be in next month’s Newsletter.

Gayle Carroll, Vice-President